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Best Feedback and Survey Apps

What is Feedback and Survey software?

Appjunction currently boasts 27 tools within the Feedback and Survey category as of September 2024. Among these, some standout options renowned for their robust features and excellent value for money includes includes Zigpoll , Reputon , and undefined . These software solutions offer comprehensive functionalities tailored to meet various Feedback and Survey needs, making them top choices for businesses seeking efficient and effective marketing solutions. Feedback and survey software are digital tools designed to collect, analyze, and interpret feedback from customers, employees, or any target audience. These platforms streamline the process of gathering opinions, preferences, and satisfaction levels through customizable surveys and questionnaires. Users can create surveys tailored to their specific needs, incorporating various question types like multiple-choice, rating scales, or open-ended questions.

The software typically offers features for distributing surveys via email, social media, or embedded links on websites, ensuring widespread reach. Additionally, respondents can provide feedback anonymously, encouraging honest responses. Once collected, the software compiles and organizes the data into easy-to-understand reports, often including visual representations like graphs or charts for quick analysis.

Businesses utilize feedback and survey software to assess customer satisfaction, measure employee engagement, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging these insights, organizations can enhance products, services, and overall experiences, fostering growth and customer loyalty. In essence, feedback and survey software serve as invaluable tools for gathering actionable feedback and driving continuous improvement across various domains.

2 Listings in Feedback and Survey Available





Zigpoll enables businesses to conduct various surveys, including post-purchase, abandoned checkout, on-site, email, and SMS surveys, utilizing AI analytics to gather valuable insights and optimize strategies for improved customer engagement and satisfaction.





Reputon allows businesses to collect, import, and embed testimonials, photo and video TikTok reviews, and YouTube reviews, leveraging user-generated content to build trust and credibility with potential customers and enhance the online shopping experience.

Overall Rating


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User Reviews


Shop For Your Charity

July 3, 2024

This app was a bit glitchy at first, but Omnisend's team was great about getting things fixed for me. So far, so good - I'm going to keep using it and see what they come up with next. My main feedback would be they really need to step up their email template game! They call themselves the marketing automation tool for omnichannel retailers, and retail is al


Summer Indigo

July 3, 2024

I am beyond furious! I painstakingly added all my contacts to this app a few years ago when I first connected it to my Shopify store. It was a ton of work! I haven't used it much since then because my business was mostly in-person, but I could still log in and poke around just recently. Imagine my shock when I tried to log in yesterday to set up a campaign,



July 3, 2024

Okay, so I really like this app! It's great. But, there's something that's been bugging me. It's a big deal, at least for us. It's about how you subscribe and unsubscribe people. We always use double opt-in, which you totally should, but the problem is you can't really customize the emails and landing pages. You can change the words, but that's it. No logo,



July 3, 2024

It's a breeze to use, but I wish the WYSIWYG editor had some cooler features and more customization options. It feels a bit limited.



July 3, 2024

Please provide me with the review text you want me to rephrase. I need the actual content of the review to help you! 😊



July 3, 2024

This app was great, but it's gotten so pricey I might have to jump ship. My wallet can't keep up! Thinking about switching to something cheaper.



June 2, 2024

Bon, j'ai essayé d'envoyer un mail test après avoir tout configuré en français. Le mail est arrivé dans les spams, et en plus, il était à moitié en anglais ! C'est vraiment dommage parce que l'appli est super facile à utiliser.


Retro Chip

June 2, 2024

It would be awesome if the app could pull in user names when sending emails. Also, can you add the ability to choose between different email addresses? I have several for my business. Thanks a bunch!


Akiba Fragrance & Wellness Studio

June 2, 2024

New to Omnisend, but gotta say, their customer support is really on point! Big shoutout to Baraath for being super helpful and quick to answer my questions about formatting and testing an email campaign.



June 2, 2024

Man, der Support von Omnisend geht mir so auf die Nerven! Ewig lange Wartezeiten, bis endlich mal jemand antwortet, und dann kommt da so ein Wischi-Waschi zurück, mit dem ich echt nichts anfangen kann. Bei den Preisen, die Omnisend aufruft, könnte man echt mehr erwarten. Total unzufrieden - kann ich im Moment echt nicht weiterempfehlen!

More about Feedback and Survey Tools

Benefits of using Feedback and Survey Software

Feedback and survey apps offer numerous advantages for ecommerce or Shopify brands. Firstly, they enable brands to gather valuable insights directly from customers regarding their shopping experiences, product preferences, and satisfaction levels. This data can inform strategic decision-making, allowing brands to tailor their offerings to meet customer needs more effectively.

Moreover, feedback and survey apps facilitate the identification of areas for improvement in the online shopping process. By pinpointing pain points or areas of dissatisfaction, brands can implement targeted improvements to enhance the overall customer experience and boost retention rates.

Additionally, these apps enable brands to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty over time, helping to gauge the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, product launches, or other initiatives. Understanding customer sentiment allows brands to make data-driven adjustments and optimize their strategies for greater success.

Furthermore, feedback and survey apps can foster engagement and communication with customers, demonstrating that their opinions are valued and encouraging brand loyalty. By actively seeking feedback, brands can build stronger relationships with their customer base and establish themselves as responsive and customer-centric businesses.

Overall, leveraging feedback and survey apps can lead to increased customer satisfaction, improved brand perception, and ultimately, higher sales and profitability for ecommerce and Shopify brands.
To better understand the benefits of using Feedback and Survey Apps, you may also read the general reviews provided by users of these platforms on Appjunction. Additionally, you can join communities and interact with peers using these tools. Furthermore, you may review the case studies provided by the aforementioned tools.

Typical Pricing of Feedback and Survey Apps

The cost of feedback and survey tools for Shopify or ecommerce brands can vary depending on several factors, including the features offered, the size of the brand, and the number of surveys or responses required.

Many feedback and survey tools offer tiered pricing plans, with basic plans often starting at around $20 to $50 per month for small businesses. These plans typically include essential features such as survey creation, distribution, and basic analytics.

As brands require more advanced features, such as customization options, advanced reporting, integrations with other platforms, or higher survey response limits, they may opt for higher-tier plans. These plans can range from $50 to $200 or more per month, depending on the complexity of the features and the size of the brand's audience.
Some feedback and survey tools also offer enterprise-level plans for larger businesses with extensive needs, which may include custom pricing based on specific requirements.

Additionally, there are some free feedback and survey tools available, although these often come with limitations on features or survey response volumes.
Overall, the cost of feedback and survey tools for Shopify or ecommerce brands can vary widely, but there are options available to suit different budgets and needs.
Overall, the cost of Feedback and Survey tools would vary depending on your usage and the size of your brand. However, there are a lot of tools you may find on Appjunction that offer free trials to give you an idea of the features they offer. I'd highly suggest trying a few and selecting the ones that work for you. You can also sort them by pricing and use them according to your needs.

Feedback and Survey Software Features to look

When selecting a feedback and survey platform for an ecommerce brand, several key features can enhance the effectiveness of gathering and analyzing customer feedback:

Customizable Surveys: Look for platforms that offer flexibility in creating surveys tailored to your brand's specific needs, including various question types, branding options, and customization capabilities.

Multi-channel Distribution: Choose a platform that allows you to distribute surveys through multiple channels, such as email, website pop-ups, social media, or SMS, to reach customers at various touchpoints in their shopping journey.

Advanced Analytics: Look for features like sentiment analysis, text analytics, and trend tracking to gain deeper insights into customer feedback and sentiment, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and prioritize actions effectively.

Automation and Personalization: Automation is your friend, too. If you can set up surveys to pop up automatically after someone buys something or send a thank you note that feels personal after they fill out a survey, that's gold. It saves you time and keeps your customers engaged.

Security and Compliance: Ensure the platform prioritizes data security and compliance with regulations like GDPR or CCPA to protect customer information and maintain trust.

Customer Support: Don't forget about keeping your customers' info safe. Make sure the tool you pick is up to speed with privacy laws so that your customers can trust you with their thoughts.

To get a better overview of the various features offered by different tools, I would highly recommend browsing the feature section of each app and comparing them with others in the same industry. This will give you a better idea of the different features offered by apps in Feedback and Survey.

Who uses Feedback and Survey Software?

Feedback and survey software for ecommerce brands is used by various stakeholders within the organization, as well as by customers themselves:

Product Development Teams: Product development teams utilize feedback and survey software to gather feedback on existing products and identify areas for improvement or new features desired by customers. This data informs product development decisions, leading to enhanced offerings that better meet customer needs.

Customer Support Teams: Customer support teams rely on feedback and survey software to gather feedback on the customer support experience and identify areas for improvement. They use this feedback to enhance the quality of support provided and address customer concerns more effectively.

Ecommerce Managers: Ecommerce managers oversee the overall ecommerce operations and use feedback and survey software to monitor customer satisfaction levels, track key performance indicators, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

CX/UX Teams: Now, don't forget the CX and UX teams. These folks are all about making sure shopping on the site feels good and makes sense. They dig into the feedback to smooth out any bumps in the road and make sure your online shopping trip is as cool as a breeze.

Business Owners/Executives: Business owners and executives rely on feedback and survey software to gain a holistic view of customer sentiment and make strategic decisions for the organization. They use insights gathered from surveys to drive business growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve overall brand perception.

Feedback and Survey software has been used by various teams across the organization. I would highly recommend you to go through reviews along with the designation of the reviewer to get a fair idea of the different teams that use these software. You can also dig deeper into each review and find out the use cases and problems they have faced.

Different kinds of Feedback and Survey Software

There are several types of feedback and survey software tailored specifically for ecommerce or direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. These include:

Customer Feedback Platforms: First up, you've got customer feedback platforms. Think of these as digital suggestion boxes where your customers can drop their thoughts on what they love or don't love so much about your stuff. They can reach out through emails, those little pop-ups on your site, or forms that you've got set up right there on your webpage.

NPS (Net Promoter Score) Tools: NPS tools measure customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking customers a single question: "How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?" Based on the response, customers are categorized as promoters, passives, or detractors, providing actionable insights for brands.

Product Feedback and Testing Tools: These tools allow ecommerce brands to gather feedback on specific products or features, conduct A/B testing, and validate product ideas before full-scale implementation. They help optimize product development and improve customer satisfaction.

Survey and Polling Software: Survey and polling software enables brands to create custom surveys and polls to gather feedback on various aspects of the customer experience, such as website usability, customer service quality, or product preferences.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Surveys: CSAT surveys measure customer satisfaction levels based on specific interactions or experiences with the brand, such as post-purchase surveys or support ticket satisfaction surveys. They help ecommerce brands identify areas for improvement and prioritize efforts to enhance customer satisfaction.

I would highly recommend that you go through the subcategories within each category on Appjunction to learn more about the different types of tools offered in Feedback and Survey. Select a subcategory for which you're searching for a tool and explore its features and pricing. You can also filter the reviews based on company size and industry to see how this tool works for businesses like yours.

Potential issues with Feedback and Survey Software

While feedback and survey apps offer numerous benefits for ecommerce and Shopify brands, there are potential issues that businesses may encounter:

Low Response Rates: One common issue is low response rates to surveys, which can affect the reliability and representativeness of the data collected. Customers may be reluctant to participate due to survey fatigue, lack of incentive, or concerns about privacy.

Survey Design Flaws: Poorly designed surveys with unclear questions, leading wording, or limited response options can confuse respondents and lead to inaccurate or incomplete responses. Survey design flaws can undermine the validity of the data collected.

Integration Challenges: Integrating feedback and survey apps with existing ecommerce platforms like Shopify can sometimes be complex and time-consuming. Compatibility issues or technical limitations may arise, impacting the seamless flow of data between systems.

Privacy Concerns: Collecting customer feedback raises privacy concerns, especially regarding the handling of personal data and compliance with regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Ecommerce brands must ensure that data collection processes are transparent, secure, and compliant with relevant regulations to maintain customer trust.

Actionability of Insights: Gathering feedback is only valuable if it leads to actionable insights and tangible improvements. Ecommerce brands may struggle to effectively prioritize and implement changes based on the feedback received, resulting in missed opportunities for improvement.

Getting onboarded with a new Feedback and Survey tool is a significant decision that you, as a manager, have to make. Do check out detailed reviews and, most importantly, their pros and cons because they'll give you a fair idea of potential challenges that you may face with these tools. I would also suggest that you filter out the negative reviews along with your industry to get a better idea of the whole picture.

Integration of Feedback and Survey Software

Several tools and platforms integrate seamlessly with ecommerce-focused feedback and survey software, enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of feedback collection and analysis. Some common integrations include:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Integrating with CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM allows ecommerce brands to centralize customer data and segment audiences for more personalized feedback campaigns. CRM integrations also enable automated follow-up actions based on survey responses, such as sending targeted marketing messages or support tickets.

Email Marketing Platforms: Integration with email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, or Constant Contact enables ecommerce brands to distribute surveys directly to their email subscriber lists. Email marketing integrations streamline the process of survey distribution, increase response rates, and allow for automated follow-up communication based on survey responses.

Analytics and Reporting Tools: Integrating with analytics and reporting tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics enables ecommerce brands to combine survey data with website analytics for deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. These integrations facilitate comprehensive data analysis and reporting, helping brands make data-driven decisions to improve the customer experience.

Customer Support Platforms: Integrating with customer support platforms like Zendesk, Freshdesk, or Intercom enables ecommerce brands to collect feedback directly from support interactions and track customer satisfaction scores. Customer support integrations facilitate proactive issue resolution, continuous improvement, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Ecommerce Analytics Tools: Integrating with ecommerce analytics tools such as Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce or Shopify Analytics provides ecommerce brands with comprehensive insights into customer behavior, purchase patterns, and product performance. Ecommerce analytics integrations enrich survey data with transactional data, enabling brands to understand the impact of customer feedback on key business metrics.

Appjunction can help you with a detailed list of tools integrated with each tool or app. Go to the app page, and you'll be able to find out those in detail. Additionally, you may compare different tools with respect to integrations offered by tools and what's suitable for your ecommerce brand.

Trends in Feedback and Survey Software

Several trends related to feedback and survey tools in ecommerce are shaping the way businesses collect, analyze, and act upon customer feedback:

Real-time Feedback Collection: First off, shops are getting super quick at asking for your thoughts. Like, you might be browsing or just bought something, and bam, they're asking how it went. They're using chats and little pop-up questions right when you're in the middle of shopping, so they can fix any problems ASAP and make your shopping experience even better on the spot.

Personalized Feedback Campaigns: Then, there's this thing where online stores are getting all personal with their questions. They keep track of what you buy or look at, and then they ask you stuff that's totally tailored to you. It's like they know you, which can make it more fun to answer their questions and helps them get better info on what you like.

Integration with AI and Machine Learning: Now, let's talk robots – well, AI and machine learning, to be exact. These smart tools are helping shops ask better questions and understand what you're really saying in your feedback. They can sift through tons of comments super fast and spot what's trending or if there's a problem they need to jump on.

Multichannel Feedback Collection: Shops are also popping up everywhere to hear what you have to say. Whether it's an email, a tweet, a text, or even while you're using their app, they want to hear from you through all these different ways. It's all about getting the full picture of what makes you happy (or not) when you shop.

Emphasis on Customer Emotions and Sentiments: And it's not just about whether you liked something or not; they really want to get how you feel. They're using fancy tech to figure out the emotions behind your words, which helps them get why you might be super excited about a new product or bummed out if something didn't go right.

Gamification of Feedback Collection: To increase engagement and incentivize participation, some ecommerce brands are gamifying the feedback collection process by offering rewards, discounts, or loyalty points in exchange for completing surveys or providing feedback. Gamification strategies encourage active participation from customers and can lead to higher response rates and more valuable insights.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Feedback and Survey

What exactly is Feedback and Survey software, and how does it work?

Feedback and survey software are digital tools used to collect, analyze, and understand feedback from customers, employees, or any target audience. These platforms simplify gathering opinions, preferences, and satisfaction levels using customizable surveys and questionnaires. You can tailor surveys to your specific needs, including various question types like multiple choice, rating scales, or open-ended questions. The software typically offers features to distribute surveys via email, social media, or embedded links, ensuring a wide reach. Respondents can often provide feedback anonymously, encouraging honest responses. The software then compiles and organizes the data into easy-to-understand reports, often with visual representations like graphs or charts for quick analysis.

How can Feedback and Survey apps benefit my ecommerce or Shopify brand?

Feedback and survey apps offer numerous advantages for ecommerce brands. They allow you to gather valuable insights directly from customers about their shopping experiences, product preferences, and satisfaction levels. This data can inform strategic decision-making, helping you tailor your offerings to better meet customer needs. Additionally, these apps help identify areas for improvement in the online shopping process, measure customer satisfaction and loyalty, foster engagement and communication with customers, and ultimately lead to increased sales and profitability.

What is the typical pricing range for Feedback and Survey tools for ecommerce businesses?

The cost of feedback and survey tools varies depending on factors like features, brand size, and survey response volume. Basic plans with essential features often start around $20-$50 per month. Higher-tier plans with advanced features can range from $50-$200 or more. Enterprise-level plans with custom pricing are also available for larger businesses. Some free tools exist, but they often have limitations on features or response volume.

What key features should I look for in a Feedback and Survey platform for my ecommerce brand?

When choosing a platform, consider features like customizable surveys, multi-channel distribution options (email, website pop-ups, social media, SMS), advanced analytics (sentiment analysis, text analytics, trend tracking), automation and personalization capabilities, security and compliance with data privacy regulations, and reliable customer support.

Which teams within my organization can benefit from using Feedback and Survey software?

Various teams can benefit, including Product Development (gathering feedback on products), Customer Support (improving support experience), Ecommerce Managers (monitoring customer satisfaction, tracking KPIs), CX/UX Teams (enhancing website usability and shopping experience), and Business Owners/Executives (gaining a holistic view of customer sentiment for strategic decision-making).

Are there different types of Feedback and Survey software available for ecommerce brands?

Yes, there are several types, including Customer Feedback Platforms (digital suggestion boxes), NPS (Net Promoter Score) Tools (measuring customer loyalty), Product Feedback and Testing Tools (gathering feedback on specific products), Survey and Polling Software (creating custom surveys), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Surveys (measuring satisfaction with specific interactions).


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